

Got Questions? We've Got Answers.

Everything you need to know about making SalesLights work for you.


Typically 1-2 minutes, but the duration may vary based on demand. Quality is worth the wait. 

The best practice is to generate messages during a prospecting session, and come back and send messages in batches.

Saleslights AI goes through goes through a proprietary chain of thought and reasoning built off historically winning sales messaging, best practices, and then utilizes top-tier LLMs to generate the best sales messaging in industry. 

You can load your information on what you want Saleslights to sell, choose your unique voice, and start prospecting your LinkedIN lead’s in as little as 5 minutes. 

Saleslights currently integrates with Outreach.io and SendGrid for email sending and sequencing. 

No, by giving Saleslights quality information on what you are selling, case studies, and choosing your unique voice, Saleslights sounds extremely human and needs little to no edits from yourself.

Saleslights was founded by cybersecurity experts and former cybersecurity company owners. Your data lives on our private LLM instances not accessible to public training. 

Absolutely, we encourage any small edits that you think could make a winning difference.

If you use Saleslights and disciplined time spent on personalization and follow-ups you will see an exponential increase in prospect engagement and new meetings booked. Additionally, you will “warm” your leads with quality for other forms of sales outreach (e.g. phone calls) and can save 90% of time spent writing emails and sales messages. 

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